
How do I get started?

LaserTouch personnel will be happy to discuss the procedure with you. Please feel free to make an appointment for a private consultation to discuss your specific needs.

What is photodamaged skin?

Chronic exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation causes characteristic ageing to the skin. Some of the signs of photodamage include fine and coarse wrinkling, pigmentary changes, roughness, laxity, shallowness and telangiectasia (prominent fine blood vessels). This can lead to the appearance of premature ageing and can have a significant impact on certain aspects of quality of life.

What is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenation?

Employing a broad spectrum of light energy in a range of wavelengths, IPL supplies high levels of light power in millisecond bursts. IPL devices also offer sophisticated, computer-driven precision and tremendous versatility. IPL technology improves the appearance of Photoaging skin, removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), most benign brown pigments, and redness caused by broken capillaries. With a series of treatments, IPL technology can help restore a more youthful appearance, without patient downtime or a prolonged recovery, necessary after other types of treatments.

How does it work?

Due to its broad spectrum of wavelengths, IPL Photorejuvenation can target different structures simultaneously. Brown and red spots can therefore be eliminated and collagen producing cells are activated to produce newer, younger and more elastic collagen, essentially reversing the sun-induced damage in the skin.

Who can be treated?

The unique IPL – ‘Vasculight’ system used at LaserTouch makes it possible for all skin types in both men and women (regardless of age) to benefit from IPL photorejuvenation.

What areas can be treated?

There are no limitations. The most common area is the face, however other areas such as neck, hands and decollete are usually treated as well.

Is the process painful?

Most patients describe it as a slightly uncomfortable pinching or stinging sensation when the pulse of IPL is delivered. No local anaesthesia or pain medication is typically required, however some patients may prefer to use a topical anaesthetic cream.

How safe is the procedure?

Slight redness and swelling of the treated area occurs in many patients but lasts for about 24 hours. Due to the nature of the procedure, side effects that sometimes follow other types of laser treatments (e.g. bruising, blisters, crust formation, hyper and hypo pigmentation) are practically eliminated.

What happens after the treatment?

Soothing creams are applied to reduce the redness and swelling. Sunblock creams should be used over the treated areas and limiting sun exposure is always a good idea. Make-up can be applied after the treatment.

How many treatments do I need?

Five to six treatments are usually necessary, 3 to 4 weeks apart. This is necessary because the process is gentle (no skin breakdown) and with each successive treatment, deeper and deeper structures are targeted.

How long do the results last?

Results are usually long-lasting. It however depends a lot on how one treats his/her skin after the IPL Photorejuvenation sessions. Appropriate sunblock and moisturizing creams help maintain the results and protect the skin from further photodamage. A single maintenance session is recommended 12 to 18 months following the completion of the initial treatments.

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